Hunts at Caddo Ranch

Our goal is to have successful hunts. 

Because we are a high fence facility, there are no state hunting seasons at Caddo Ranch. We can hunt from late summer through January. We start in late summer because our bucks are fully developed, out of velvet, and in prime health. We end in late January just before antlers begin to drop. 

We hunt from custom stands. Our stands are fabricated from aluminum, and designed to be comfortable and quiet. 

All hunters are accompanied by an experienced, local guide. 

Our typical hunts start pre-dawn with breakfast, then off to a hunting stand in one of our silent EV Polaris vehicles. Your guide will drop you off at the stand, then rejoin you after hiding the EV. You will be in the stand as day breaks. Typically we hunt over corn feeders that disperse corn shortly after dawn, and again before sunset.   

When a deer is taken, it is loaded in the EV and taken back to the ranch for processing. 

There are typically two hunts per day, one starting pre-dawn, and one at the end of the day. 

In the middle of the day guests typically relax, fish, or enjoy the ranch from an EV or 4-wheeler.